Time for another Atlanta Area Aquarium Association Swap Meet!!
Everything aquarium related! Locally bred and raised fish at great prices! Many variety's that you just won't find at the "Big Box" stores. The best selection of aquatic plants you will ever find. Plus tanks, hardware, food, and who knows what else!
Saturday, March 4th, Doors open at 10AM (9AM for setup)! The Swap Meet will be held at "Living Stone Church", Family Center, at the lower parking lot. If you have been to one of our Swap Meets in the last couple years, then you know the spot. If you are new to our Swap Meets, we are just a couple short miles away from our regular meeting spot.
Our Swap Meets are open to everyone. There is no entry fee to shop. If you would like to reserve a table, send an email with your name and contact info to swapmeets@atlfishclub.com Tables are only $20 for supporting club members, $30 for non club members. Fees will be collected at the event. All tables and chairs provided. Doors open at 9AM for setup, sales begin at 10AM. All sellers responsible for their own sales. Some venders will accept different cash apps, but that is up to each individual seller. Cash is king! All sales are between the vendor and the customer. AAAA is not responsible for any transactions. All sales completed, with breakdown at 3PM
So What are you bringing? What are you looking for?
Plants & inhabitants I will be bringing
(Will have one or two bags of some of these items depending on how much I have. I may find other plants to bring later on, items bellow I will have for sure.)
Alternanthera Reineckii 'Mini'
Bacopa caroliniana
bolbitis heudelotii
bolbitis heudelotii 'mini'
bucephaldra sp.
elodea densa
guppy grass
Hydrocotyle tripartita
Hydrocotyle tripartita 'mini'
Java Fern 'Windelov'
Ludwigia 'super red'
Ludwigia arcuata
Ludwigia lacustris
Ludwigia repens maybe?
Ludwigia repens x arcuata hybrid
Monte Carlo (terrestrial)
myriophyllum tuberculatum
Rotala 'blood red'
rotala bangladesh maybe?
Rotala rotundifolia
Taiwan Lily
Vallisneria spiralis var. Leopard
camaroon moss
Fissidens fontanus
weeping moss
malawa shrimp (Caridina pareparensis parvidentata)
Blue Lase Snakeskin guppy males $5 each
Assorted mutt guppies $1.50 each
bladder snails
ramshorn snails
Things I'm looking for:
aponogeton natans
Aridarum sp.
azolla floater
bacopa amplexicaulis
bacopa crenata?
bacopa floribunda?
Bacopa lanigera
bacopa monnieri verigated
bacopa myriophylloides
bacopa rotundifolia?
bolbitis ‘broadleaf’ - bolbitis heteroclita
cardamine lyrata vietnam (terrestrial)
crepidomanes sp. (Aquatic or terrestrial)
fissidens geppi
gratiola viscidula
hedyotis salzmannii
Hydrocotyle Sibthorpioides
hymenasplenium obscurum
Lindernia Rotundifolia
Marsilea Angustifolia
Marsilea hirsuta
Marsilia mutica varigated
mini club moss - selaginella kraussiana
Ranunculus Inundatus
Rotala bonsairotala coin leaf
Stargrass - Heteranthera Zosterifolia
utricularia sandersonii (terrarium plant)
Any small terrarium plants
live food cultures
wingless fruit flies
Vampire crabs
honey gourami
sparkling gourami
Indostomus crocodilus
Shelford's Kuhli Loach (Pangio Shelfordi)
Hello!, How often are these swap meets held?
I plan to bring several types of Goodeids. These are a different family of livebearers from Mexico. Trout, Tequilas, and San Marcos.
I will also bring
Mixed guppies
Long Fin Albino Bristlenose Plecos 3-4"
Lg Albino Sailfin Pleco10-12"
Cherry Shrimp
Shrimp Culls
Assassin Snails
Other snails, Pond, Ramshorn
Some different plants, depending what needs thinning.
Wo knows what else?
I will have
Calico Bristnose Plecos
Java Moss
As usual, I'm not going to be able to bring everything. So if you see something you want, let me know and I can prioritize it.
aspidoras poecilus (6x) 2 $30.00
scleromystax cw038 (6x) 2 $120.00
scleromystax prionotus (6x) 1 $60.00
corydoras sterbai adult breeding group 1 $100.00
corydoras sterbai young (6x) 1 $50.00
corydoras panda adult breeding group 1 $70.00
corydoras araguaiaensis (6x) 1 $50.00
corydoras cw163 (6x) 1 $50.00
betta patoti pair 1 $40.00
characodon lateralis pair 2 $50.00
long fin green dragon proven pair 2 $150.00
aphyosemion calliurum group 1 $25.00
lamprologus signatus pair 1 $30.00
julidochromis regani trio 1 $40.00
lamprichthys tanganicanus (6x) 1 $80.00
I'll be bringing
L181 peppermint plecos 2 inch 25.00 each
Long fin bristle nose plecos 3 inch. 10.00 each
SYNODONTIS PETRICOLA 2 inch. 15.00 each
Breeding pair bristle nose plecos 45.00
L181 peppermint plecos 2 adults 45.00 each
Orange black dorsal lithobates 2 to 2.5 inch 15.00
Star sapphires 3.5 inch male's 30.00 each
I'll be bringing at least the following (but I can definitely bring more swordtails if requested):
10 adult orange swordtails 5 for $20
10 adult green swordtails 5 for $20
2 bags susswassertang $20 ea
Would anybody have an interest in angels?
Hello, here is my list. If you see something you like let me know especially the shrimp. They sell fast most of the time.
All Neo shrimp packages are 10+1
Blue Dream $50
Green Emerald $45
24k Yellow $45
Orange Sakura $40
Cherry $25
Sakura-Fire Reds $45
Bloody Mary $45
Skittles CULLS $30 random scoop from tank
Caridina Tiger shrimp (kept in neo parameters) much easier to keep.
Tangerine Tigers 10+1 $65
Caridina Shrimp
Pure Red Line 5 $40
Blue Bolt lower grade 5 $35
Black Calceo 5 $60
Aura Blue Tiger 5 $65
Gold Lace trio $35
Orange Spotted Rabbit Snails $25 for 3 snails
Plants - All plants are grown indoors in my tanks and not outside in ponds
Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus $5 #5 stems
Pearlweed golf size portion $8
Guppy Grass golf size portion $5
Hooker moss 12+ fronds $10
Java Moss gold size portion $5
Anchor Moss gold size portion $5
Subwassertang golf size portion $10
Dwarf Sag $5 #6 plants
Salvania minima $5 for a handful
3D Printed
Automatic Egg Harvester to be used with a Fluval Breeder Box $50 Breeder box not provided
Box Filter for Caridina Tanks $28
1.5x3 Rectangular Ledge $5
1.5 Round Ledge $3
1.5x3x.5 Rectangular Table $5
4 hole pothos holder $15
2 hole pothos holder $10
Good evening Nicole , would it be possible for me to preorder one of each kind of moss or moss like plants that you have available?
thanks !