When: March 9th 2024 doors open for sales at 10:00 AM
Where: Marietta, 545 Lorene Dr SW, Marietta, GA 30060
Entry Fee: FREE to shop and talk
What to become a vendor? email SWAPMEETS@ATLFISHCLUB.COM
Tables: $30 for Supporting members, $40 for the general public. Must be preregistered for tables by 3/8. Cash collected at the swap for table fee.
If you are a Vendor please feel free to list what you will have available for purchase at your table.
Rosanna and Renee will have 2 tables with the following items:
Long fin bristlenose
Orange Mexican Dwarf Crayfish
Mbuna hybrid fry
Rubescent Peacocks
OB Peacocks
Dragon Blood
Red Exasperatus
Hybrid Peacocks
Just one more tank I promise T-shirts
ADDED: Multis (shell dwellers), Insignus
Nelson Vallellanes with Tropical Discus will be at the Swap Meet selling Discus! tropicaldiscus.com
75 gallon, NEW! never used, still has the stickers on it. $150
55 gallon, used $50
40 gallon Breeder w/glass lids, used $50
20 gallon Long, NEW! never used, still in the cardboard, 2 available $20 each
20 gallon Long, used $15
20 gallon High, used $15
10 gallon, used, 2 available $5
10 gallon Hexagon, used, $20
20 gallon Hexagon, used, $30
23 gallon, used, custom built by Oceanic Systems 24x18x13, these tanks are drilled in the back, but easily patched, 3 available $25 each
50 gallon corner tank, LEAKER, someone tried to replace the front panel and did a horrible job. Would be great for a lizard or something, 22x22x24, $20
2 wrought-iron stands, 55 gallon/48" & 30 gallon/36" $30 each
55 gallon Wood stand w/matching canopy, needs a little TLC but still very sturdy $50
Double 10 gallon wood stand $25
Reverse osmosis/deionization system, 4 stage - 75 GPD, NEW still in the plastic $100
I will also be bringing an assortment of Bristlenose Plecos, Goodieds, plants, extra. I'll post them later.
I’ll have mutt guppies, endlers and some plants
Here is the list of things I can bring. I won't be able to bring everything. So if your looking for something specific, let me know ahead of time.
aspidoras poecilus 6x ($30)
corydoras pygmaeus - pygmy corydoras 6x ($20)
corydoras cw009 - green laser 6x ($120)
corydoras cw010 - gold laser 6x ($75)
corydoras cw097 - 6x ($40)
corydoras fulleri - adults 6x ($100)
scleromystax barbatus - adults 5x ($120)
scleromystax cw038 - 6x ($130)
scleromystax prionotos - adults 6x ($80)
brachyrhamdia meesi - adults 5x ($60)
tatia intermedia - woodcats 6x ($30)
notropis chrosomus - rainbow shiner 6x ($30)
xiphophorus montezumae - swordtails adult trio ($30)
characodon lateralis "los berros" - pair ($45)
oryzias latipes - miyuki platinum ricefish - 6x ($30)
lamprologus signatus - pair ($30)
cyprichromis leptosoma "utinta" - 5x ($90)
melinatainia marisai - adult trio ($50)
Late additions. These are some pretty rare corys that I'm submitting for BAP. They are small, but growing fast and both spawned on 12/4/2023.
corydoras fowleri 6x (BAP) ($80)
corydoras gossei 6x (BAP) ($100)
Can I get a batch of Pygmy Cory’s
I will be bringing adult Pairs.
Blue eye lemon long fin bristle nose pairs. $160.00
Super red long fin bristle nose Pairs. $225.00
Super red short fin pair. $80.00
More long fin lemon and super red as I clean out tanks this week
Will you have some young adults super red long fins bristles if so what's the rate?
Will anyone be bringing shrimp? I'm looking for some neocaridinas in particular, any color
Here's part of what I will be bringing to the March Swap meet
Reach out to me via text at 678-575-3434 for the quickest response.
L333 King Tiger Plecos - 1.5 inch juveniles $20 ea
L397 Alenquer Tiger Plecos - 1.5 inch juveniles $25 ea
Black Moscow Guppies - Trio $20
Blonde Koi Guppies - Pair $20
Japan Blue/Gold Double Sword Guppies - Trio $20
Blue Coral Calico Platies unsexed - 5 for $25
Berlin Swordtails - Trio $30
Pineapple Swordtails - Pregnant females $15 ea
Kribensis - $6 ea
Geophagus Altifrons 2.5 - 3 inch - $8 ea
Corydoras Sterbai - $7 ea
Corydoras Knaacki - $8 ea
Is anyone bringing Monte Carlo (Micranthemum Tweediei)? Looking to purchase a good bit. If not, any recommendations where I can find it?
Tropical Discus will be selling Red Turquoise and Blue Diamond Discus at the show. www.tropicaldiscus.com
This is my wish list to bring. I will run out of energy or time somewhere in here. The dry goods are already in big tubs.
Cherry Barbs 2 pair $15
Cherry Barbs 2 pair $15
Black Chin livebearers scoop
Black Chin livebearers scoop
Dumbo Ear guppies gorgeous pair $15
some corydoras if I have time to catch them (CW10, panda, sterbai, etc) let me know if you want
some killies if I have time to catch them (Epiplatys dageti Monrovia, Fundulopanchax species Nsukka, P82, Innideri Red) let me know if you want
White Worm Jumbo cultures (3) I am overrun
Several Huge potted Cryptocoryne undulata, perfect center piece plants $20
Smaller Cryptocoryne undulata potted $5 - $10
Hornwort bags $5
Anubias plants various
Multiple heaters 5 gallon size to 30 gallon size
air pumps easily run a couple of tanks
Poret (Swiss Tropicals) foam filter material all sizes the best for outside filters
Multiple Hang On Back filters, some hang inside filters for nano tanks
Hang on fry boxes
2 1/2 gallon tanks with glass tops (2)
Betta aquarium - new in box
I’m bringing my wallet if anyone wants to buy my money with their golden hummingbird catfish…