Lets talk about what we are bringing to our May meeting's Mini Auction! Rules; No more than 10 items per seller. No more than 2 bags of the same item per seller. Split; General public get a 50/50 split. Supporting members get a 70/30 split. NO zip lock bags!
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I'm moving across the country in June. Purging some stuff since I can't take it all with me. T.T
I'll be bringing:
-x2 bags of mutt guppies
-trio of blue dragon guppies
-vining red emerald philodendron 3 ft long (I use it like pothos)
-2 kangaroo foot ferns (also used like pothos, but rhizome needs to stay out of water otherwise leaves fall off.)
-poinsettia house plant (no bugs it's been kept indoors)
-x2 bags of stem plants (variety of plants, enough to fill a 20 long)
-bag of mosses on pieces of wood (spiky moss, mini christmas moss, fissidens fontanus, fissidens nobilis, camaroon moss, and anchor moss.)