These fish are available for pre-order only. Please text at 678-575-3434
Pineapple Swordtail Pairs - $30
Trio Adult Berlin Swordtails - $30
Berlin Swordtail Juveniles - 5 for $25
Neolamprologus Similis (Shellies) Juveniles - 5 for $45
Japan Blue Gold Double Sword Guppy Pairs - $20
Blonde Koi Guppy Juveniles - 5 for $20
Yellow Galaxy Guppy Pairs - $20
L333 King Tiger Pleco Juveniles - $25 ea
L397 Alenquer Tiger Pleco Juveniles - $25 ea
L236 Cracked Zebra Pleco Juveniles - $25 ea
Long Fin Green Dragon Pleco Juveniles - $25 ea
L393 Cheese Creek Pleco Juveniles - $20 ea
I will be bringing a few packs of
Red & Black Crystal shrimp
Cherry shrimp, Blue dream shrimp
Black Fancy Tiger mix caridina shrimp (Sneak peek of the new shrimp lines coming by summer time)
Lets kick off the year big! 🤙🏻🤙🏻
I have mixed floating plants to bring - mostly Salvinia minima but also has some other stuff in there too (frogbit, Salvinia cucullata, possibly some duckweed but I don’t think much of at all)
Pseudomugil luminatus
Reticulated Hillstream loach
Neolamprologus brichardi
I have a few things to bring.
Chapalichthys peraticus, San-Juanico Splitfin
Xenotoca doadrial, San-Marcos Redtail Splitfin
Belonesox belizanus, Pike Livebearer
Mixed Mutt Guppies
Red Tiger Endlers
Orange Platies
Albino Long-Fin Bristlenose Plecos
Albino Bristlenose
Polar Parrot
Platinum Parrot
Cull shrimp
And some plants
I'm going to be bringing the following:
hoplisoma c134 (formerly Corydoras c134) for BAP
hoplisoma cw021 (formerly Corydoras cw021) for BAP
apistogramma barlowi for BAP
characodon audax "el toboso" for BAP
bristlenose plecos